Iya History and Folk Museum

Iya History and Folklore Museum

To include the Iya Museum in this tour:

+Add 30 minutes of taxi & guide time

 (+¥4350 for Standard Taxi with guide, or +¥5700 for Jumbo Taxi with guide).

- Entry fee ¥410 per adult, children discounted

- Closed on weekends and holidays in winter

This bountiful museum is filled with a large collection of artifacts and displays which describe the old-world lifestyle of the Iya people, which in many ways still exists today. 

The museum also documents many of the legends and historical accounts of the Iya Valley, most notably the stories and remains of the Heike Samurai who came here to hide along with the young Emporer Antoku after their defeat in the Genpei War 800 years ago .


Our guides are actually the ones who translated into English all of the descriptions in the museum, so we not only closely understand everything here, but we can give an even deeper insight into the local perspective and significance of the unique exhibits

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