- For those traveling both to and from JR Oboke Station, please understand that it requires about 15 minutes to travel each way between the station and the Iya Valley. This tour can be completed in 6.5 hours if going to/from the station, but we may need to shorten some stops a bit and/or skip a point, and we will explain when you contact.
- Alternately, you can extend this tour by 30 minutes of taxi time for ¥2200 to allow for more time for travel to/from Oboke Station.
- Lunch options will depend on when and from where you begin this tour. There is no restaurant out near the Scarecrow Village, so it may be best to bring a bento lunch box to eat at Ms Ayano's workshop amongst dozens of scarecrows (you are welcome to do so), or eat out at the nearby Double Vine Bridges at the picnic area here.
Rates for every 30 minutes of extension:
Standard Taxi with guide + ¥4200
Jumbo Taxi with guide + ¥5500
*these extension fees are per group, not per person.
+ Add 60 minutes of taxi only time.
For those traveling to/from Oboke Station, this tranquil boat cruise goes through the center of Oboke Gorge, with fantastic up-close views of the beauiful rock formations.
- Boat tickets are ¥1500 per person.
- Sat, Sun & Holidays 9am - 5pm (last boat 4:30)
- Mon - Fri 9am - 4pm (last boat 3:30)
+ Add 30 minutes taxi & guide time.
This small but very well curated museum is full of interesting artifacts regarding Iya life, customs, and its legends connected to ancient samurai and the former Emperor of Japan.
- Tickets ¥410 per person, children discounted.
- Closed on weekends in winter.
+ Add 60 minutes of taxi only time.
For a bit of natural relaxtion, choose to include one of the valley's soothing hotspring (onsen) as a final stop on your tour, where you are sure to tranquilly forget about all of your life's troubles.
- Entry fees range from ¥1000 to ¥1700 per person depending on onsen location, children discounted
+ Add 30 minutes of taxi only time.
The lower quarter of the valley is this beautiful undeveloped gorge, and through here the original cliff-hugging road into Iya was built about 100 years ago. Viewpoint stops here include the panoramic Hi-no-Ji Bend and the sublime Peeing Boy Statue which is perched 200 meters above the river.
+ Add 60 minutes taxi & guide time
The farthest end of the valley is a mountain pass that is also the base for Mt Tsurugi. From here a chairlift goes half-way up the mountain to 1750m where an awesome view extends down into the Iya Valley.
- Open mid-April to November 9am-4:30pm
- Round trip tickets ¥1900 per person (please pay your guide's ticket if you wish to take along the guide).
To help with your planning and to know what to expect, please see our page about
Iya Valley Tours
Discover the Wonders of Our Hidden Home
For Travel Agents, please see here